Diab: Lebanon is days away from a social explosion


Published: 2021-07-06 13:40

Last Updated: 2024-07-11 01:53

Diab: Lebanon is days away from a social explosion
Diab: Lebanon is days away from a social explosion

The head of the caretaker government in Lebanon, Hassan Diab, said that his country is a few days away from a social explosion, and that the Lebanese are facing a dark fate.

In a speech he delivered to ambassadors and heads of diplomatic missions in Lebanon Tuesday, he stressed that stability in Lebanon is important not only domestically but regionally, particularly as the country hosts about 1.5 million displaced Syrians and hundreds of thousands of Palestinian refugees.

He added that the world cannot punish the Lebanese or turn its back on Lebanon, because continuing this policy will inevitably lead to dangerous repercussions, such as extremism and fanaticism. 

He pointed out that the absolute priority is to form a government, to be able to negotiate with the International Monetary Fund, and to secure urgent assistance to Lebanon so that it can alleviate the pain of the difficult and dangerous phase it is going through.

Diab appealed to kings, princes, heads and leaders of brotherly and friendly countries, the United Nations and all international bodies, the international community and public opinion in the world to help save the Lebanese from death and prevent the demise of Lebanon.